Do you want to know where your meat comes from? If you pick yes, read on. No, I suggest you to re-direct yourself from this post.
Cows = Burger King/McDonalds
Chickens = KFC
Pigs = Bacon and Pork chops
These foods taste good and we know it.But have you have wondering where they came from. You imagine those fresh, green fields and happy milkers milking the cows and smiling farmers feeding the chickens and so on and so forth. Ever wanna feel that those animals are being well threated? Yeah sure. Good food. Good people. Good Environment. The serenity....well guess what. Welcome to reality. Those farms are really rare in the world now. Those small peaceful farms have now transformed into claustrophobic jail houses for these poor animals. Some cows, chickens and pigs can't even move or turn around because they are so cramped up with all the other animals. These cramped spaces leads to diseases and fights and deaths. Because chickens fight for space and food in this little "high rised pens" the farmers have to cut off their beaks to stop them from hurting each other. Calves that have been taken from their mothers are being feed cow blood to make them grow faster and the corporate farm owners are giving them growth hormones or them to produce milk, cows and grow faster. Then eventually, they go into factories where everything is working at high speed, just to make the profit rate go higher. Then it comes to your home on your plate and down your throat. Boom. You've just eaten a factory raised meat. Do you think that this is right for us and the animals? All our cows and chickens and pigs used to "run free". Now because we've raised them for so many generations, they've lost their wildness and they become ... lame. They can't survive by themselves out there and they depend on the farmers to take care of them, even when they are going to be killed and served in KFC boxes through drive-through. These animals need to be raise and breed with care and we humans want to eat meat that is breed in an almost sanitory place, not something like this....and imagine the stuff that comes out the rear end of these animals and how much and how fast it was accumulate with this speed and size. This creates pollution to the outside environment too.
So which will you pick: a pig that has been raised on one of these farms and treated like this, or a wild pig that had to chance to run their whole life but just got shot by a hunter. I would pick the hunted pig than the captive pig because if it hadn't crossed the hunters path, it would have not died and be serve on a plate with and apple in it's mouth.
So, do we have the rights to kill animals to eat? I'm tying this up with my previous post on animal rights. Yes, we do have the right to eat these animals. We have to. We we brought into this world to eat meat. It's part of who we are. If we are disciplined vegetarians or vegans, we would find supplements to meat but we will have to work really hard. We have to eat meat to stay healthy.
But we can change the meat that we eat. Just by checking on milk and egg cartons and meat that you buy from the market, for the word free range (which means brought up with space to run and grow) it will change the profit for those farms so they can kept their work up. Buy healthy, eat healthy. Help raise our food properly. Seriously. Do you want your food to be brought up in this environment?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Animal Rights Part 02
Posted by Jen at 3:00:00 PM
Labels: animal anatomy, animal rights, dissect, pollution