Everybody know YouTube, a video-streaming site owned by Google. But today China banned the Web site and didn't explain the reason. Some people think that the ban might have been caused by some videos of abuse of Tibetans on YouTube.
When you're in China and try to access the site, all you get would be an error message saying "Network Timeout. The server at youtube.com is taking too long to respond."
This however is not the first time YouTube has been banned in China. In March 2008 during the riots in Tibet, China also blocked YouTube. This led to protests and vehicles and shops burned down. 18 civilians died just from a ban of one of the most important web sites in the world.
But the question is, why now? Why ban it again?
"YouTube blocked in China" CNN.com. Mar 25 2009. Mar 25 2009.
Image link
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The YouTube Ban
Posted by Jen at 11:00:00 PM
Labels: China, CNN, CurrentEvents, Humanities, youtube
Dragon Attack
In Indonesia, a fisherman trespassing in the Komodo National Park was attacked by a Komodo dragon. A Komodo Dragon is the heaviest lizard in the world. It could grow up to 3 meters and they have a toxic bite that they use to kill their prey. These lizards can eat big animals like buffalos.
Fisherman, Muhamad Anwar, bled to death on the way to a clinic after he was biten by a komodo dragon while looking for a sugar-apple, a type of fruit. The area was closed because of the wild Komodo dragons.
Neild, Barry. "Komodo Dragons kill Indonesian fisherman" CNN.com. Mar 24 2009. Mar 25 2009.
Posted by Jen at 8:32:00 PM
Labels: CurrentEvents, deaths, Humanities
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Culture of Living in Scotland
In Scotland, most of the poorer people lived in little "huts" that was built out of mud and stone with a thatch roof. This means that whenever it rains (which is very often), you would have to change the roof because it's so wet.
For the people, they are very unhygienic. Since there's no place for baths or a sink to wash their hands, these people are almost always dirty. Their faces are always covered in grime and dirt. The men's hair are mostly long because they don't have time or equipment to cut it properly. Since they don't bathe, have long hair, and almost always working, their hair is matted and knotted.
Their clothes are just as worse. Poor people can't afford silk and satin clothing so most of their clothes are just rags sewn together. Clothes weren't used for fashion, but just to keep warm and to cover their bodies.
There was one scene where there was a marriage celebration going on in the Scottish village. The villages were dancing and singing and drinking. Some food was available and games were happening. Then soon the English "knights" interrupted and took the bride away to the lord where she would spend her first of her married life with the lord of the manor or they would kill the husband. This shows how much little power the poor people had against the lord of the manor.
Posted by Jen at 7:54:00 PM
Labels: culture, Humanities, Medieval, Middle Ages
Friday, March 13, 2009
Reading Resonse Journal
Reading Journal: A River Runs Through It
Jen Quan
Journal 001: March 11th 2009
Quote #1: “In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing”
Quote #2: “Although Paul was three years younger than I was, he was already far ahead of me in anything relating to fishing..”
I have two sisters and a little baby brother. I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I’m almost better at everything artistic than my older sister. I find that maybe Paul at first was trying to hard to live up to his older brother that in the end he was better and didn’t need to feel better anymore because he brother didn’t care. It’s the same thing for me. When I was younger it seemed that my older sister was good at everything she did. I tried so hard to live up to her and find something I was good at and when I was finally better at her at something (art, being artistic) I realized that she didn’t care about beating me at something. I’m sure she’s proud at me for being better at something, but she will always be older than me and better at everything then me and now, finally, I accept that.
[No questions so far... :) ]
Journal 002: March 11th 2009
Quote #1: “She was a beautiful dancer as he was a fly caster”
Quote #2: “It is like a rattlesnake striking, with a good piece of his tail on the ground as something to strike from.”
Quote #3: “At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear”
Norman had to get up in the middle of the night to pick his brother and his brother’s girl from jail. Norman is like the person who picks up the mess that his brother leaves. I guess I could say that I can relate to both Paul and Norman. With Norman, I can say that I am sometimes left to deal with the mess that other people create. When I was reading the part where Norman picks up Paul and Paul’s Native American girl that I found it very coincidental because this reminds me-- and in a very exact way-- of my everyday life. I guess I could also say that I related to Paul because I usually leave a mess behind me as well, metaphorically...
What is the Indian girl’s real name? Because Norma gave her a name but it’s not her birth name...
Journal 003: March 13th 2009
Quote #1: ““Brother,” he would say, “there are no flying fish in Montana. Out here, you can’t catch fish with your flies in the air.””
Quote #2: “His flies were in the water at least twenty percent more of the time than mine”
At the part when the weather changed and many fish started jumping I can relate to how when the weather changed, someone else happens, especially my mood. There are many people out there that love it when it rains. I hate it. I hate being wet and when the sky is dark. I hate it when it’s snowing really hard too. I only like light flutters. For me, snow is frozen rain and rain is wet and I don’t like to be wet. When it rains or there’s a blizzard my mood changes almost immediately from content to sad and moody. Just like the fish suddenly jump out of the water when the weather changes, so does my mood.
Why is fly fishing so important to everyone?
Journal 004: March 16th 2009
Quote #1: “That's one trouble with hanging around a master–you pick up some of his stuff, like how to cast into a bush, but you use it just when the master is doing the opposite”
Quote #2: “In death it had its pattern, and we can only hope for as much”
The two brothers had buried their beer bottles in the stream to keep cool but couldn't find it later. I find this a connection to my life because I always live thing behind me. Not necessarily objects but ideas and feelings. Later on when I come back to them, I can't feel them again because I've lost it and have forgotten how it's like to have that emotion. I would resort to just having a feeling that is like the feeling I lost but it would never be the same. Just like the brothers having to drink stream water instead of beer to quench their thirst, anyone would have wanted the beer instead.
Journal 005: March 17th 2009
Quote #1: “It's like the auto-supply shop over town where they always say, 'Sorry, we just out of that part'”
Quote #2: “Whenever we had a family reunion, Mother and Paul were always the central attention”
Most of the school knows that my older sister had relationship problems. Most of the time when she cries, it's weird because she doesn't like me comforting her, yet allows my best friend to do it. It's like my best friends are more closer to my sister than I am. Just like my first quote, my sister doesn't accept help from me. Later, my friends would ask me, accusingly, why I'm not helping and comforting my sister. My friend and her sister and close and both sisters accept help from each other.
I guess my sister's ashamed of me because I'm not ashamed of myself. I'm not afraid of what people think of me because it's always my life to live. I want to live my last few months of freedom in this school with fun and with my friends- not sulking around because I'm moving. I guess you could say that I'm immature, but I don't want to be mature all the time because before long, you realize that you missed you chance of being a kid. I want to be a kid until I'm 27 because after that, life really starts calling you.
I would want to give help to my sister, but if she doesn't want it, and I shouldn't waste my time.
How can someone get burned from head to toe when they're wearing clothes?
Posted by Jen at 11:34:00 AM
Labels: Language Arts, reading response
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Medieval Life after the collaspe of the Roman Empire
The time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance Era was the Middle Ages. But what were the affects on life in the medieval ages after the collapse of the Roman Empire?
Most of the cities and states between isolated because the European trade had been destroyed. The stone road system between prosperous cities were abandoned, segregating the cities. If people tried to trade, they were usually stopped by bandits living in between manor states. Because of all the cities and states breaking away from each other, communication slowed down and if there was an attack, there was no way to warn other cities in time. At around the 9th century, most of the western Europe was divided into large manor estates ruled by landlords.
While inside, people who did not farm or were artisans were forced to leave the manor and moved alone and unprotected in the country-sides; this was because they couldn't afford to barter off money and protection.
Since there was no trading business, whatever the manor estate they needed they had to get it within their walls. The manor was supported only by its inhabitants.
Later on, the schools close and education and cultural activities became forgotten because it was so hard to get by. Many people were illiterate the arts were almost forgotten.
There was almost no order. The coin system was not really used and people fell back to trading and bartering. The times were harsh and unhygienic. Many people died young, from sickness or by murder (there was no "officiers" to maintain peace and protect people). Even the knights, who were supposed to be the protectors turned rogue and used their authority in the wrong way.
On the good side, slavery slowly and gradually died out.
"Medieval Times: The Basics" 42explore.com 10 Mar 2009.
Posted by Jen at 10:09:00 PM
Labels: Humanities, Medieval, Middle Ages, Rome Empire
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blog #6: My Favorite Place
Since I move around a lot I haven't really found my favorite place. For my family, we haven't stayed in a house for more than a year; always moving, house-to-house, country-to-country.
But so far I've found my favorite place to be wherever my family and friends are. That's where my real home is. There isn't a day that ends where I find myself wanting to run away from my favorite place.
My family and friends are what keep me sane. Wherever they are, I feel safe and free because they are the ones that make the atmosphere feel comfortable. I could do whatever I want around them. There are no physical walls around me. But my friends and family are the four walls that will move and change whenever.
With them, I there are no limits. If I wanted to suddenly play basketball, my friends and I could go to the basketball court and that would be where my favorite place is. I could be just hanging out with my friends in the student lounge and that would also be my favorite place.
Posted by Jen at 10:58:00 AM
Labels: Language Arts
Monday, March 09, 2009
Nitrogen Passport Reflection Questions
1. There are so many choices that a nitrogen atom will go in a nitrogen cycle. Each of us would roll a number each time and it will lead us to different places. There were about three options at each station, when we rolled the die, it would tell us which of those three options to go to. No one (unless in a weird coincidence) would go in the same cycle because we rolled to a different option each time.
2. Cycles are not just "once-you-go-to-one-place-you-can't-go-back". Nitrogen cycles are not all the same. It just shows that all the different situations are connected whether you were animal waste of surface water.
3. Yes, I think that the atmosphere station was pretty popular. This is because evaporating into the air is more "common" for a nitrogen atom because evaporation is pretty quick.
4. Probably the main point of this activity was to show that the nitrogen cycle is all connected. You could be in animal waste then turn up in the atmosphere then somehow back to animal waste. Also I teaches use where nitrogen atoms can turn up.
Posted by Jen at 12:01:00 AM
Labels: Science8
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Sun Also Rises: Behind the Title
What does the title of the story mean?
Well to me, the title shows that everything is a cycle. Just like the sun rising is a constant cycle, so are the lives of characters like Jake and Brett. For Jake, his life is basically helping Brett with get another man and keep him, then saving Brett from herself and falling for her. For Brett her life is all about playing with men's hearts; She attract them like magnets, then she goes off with the guy, and then finally rejecting them. "The Sun Also Rises" shows that there is a cycle in life, just like the run rising and setting.
The "also" part of the title, however, makes me think that even though there's bumps along the way of the cycle, the sun will always rises and it will continue again. Lady Brett falls for someone then runs away with them or does something crazy. But in the end, she would always reject them. It's like she's just a trip, but not a vacation. However, "the sun" will also come up no matter what. Life goes on, it's crappy, but it goes on. C'est la vie...
Image Source: http://daskull.deviantart.com/art/The-start-of-the-sun-rise-27328966
Posted by Jen at 12:45:00 AM
Labels: Language Arts
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Feudalism- Widespread in Europe
Feudalism was the dominant form of political organization in Europe during Middle Ages. The system was mostly used in western Europe. In the feudal life, a noble lord(who can also can be a King or Queen) will grant a fief to a vassal (who was any free man who receives a part of land). In return, the vassal provides military and other services. Later the vassal can still grant parts of the fief to other free man; The lord can give a land grant to serf farmers (they were semi-freemen) to grow crops and also provide protection and then the lords get crops, livestock, and also military service from his vassal.
But though that is what the simple definition everyone has been studying, on technical terms, the feudal system wasn't the "dominant" form of political organization (classing people into different groups). Feudalism was not what connected everyone in the society together. All that stuff said about the serf farmers working for the lords in return for protection is called manorialism (or seignoialism); this was not part of feudalism. The kings and queens did not use the system to exert control over their subjects, during their challenges and weaknesses.
So if this is saying feudalism never existed, where did the idea come from? In my opinion, all the little connections, like the serf and the lord, etc., where called different things and all were different types of politial organization, but the general idea of giving and taking something back is feudalism. Sure you could say that is never existed because it wasn't the dominant form of political organization but just the way that they did it. I think that the definition of feudalism should be revisited and to be tuned out.
Image Source: http://web000.greece.k12.ny.us/SocialStudiesResources/Social_Studies_Resources/GHG_Documents/European%20Feudal%20System%20Chart%2006.03.jpg
Snell, Melissa. "The F-Word" About.com. 4 Mar 2009.
Posted by Jen at 11:33:00 PM
Labels: Humanities, Medieval, Middle Ages
Monday, March 02, 2009
Benjamin Button TED talk
The Science of Benjamin Button
The film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button features a lot of special effects to create a very genuine idea of who this person is. Their purpose was that they obviously didn't want this person took look so fake so they put in a lot of effort into making sure this character looked truly old; they spent a lot of time in the lighting and the face, making the cheeks and muscles move like they should in real life.
Their hypothesis for this was probably: "If the put in a lot of effort (time, money) into making this look real then will it look truly genuine to everyone?". They managed to put a lot of facial markers into a form or make-up so that the computers and cameras would be able to detect the facial expression of the actor.
It's pretty obvious that their procedure took a long time; 2 years, did they say? All this just for that one hour of the movie that the actor had to look 40 years older. First they had to do a lot of research and find ways to create the face. Then they had to get the equipment and do many tests. After bringing in the actor, they still had to do all the scenes and put it together with the special effects. With all the faces done, they had to settle the lighting so that the face looked like it was still in the scene. When they were all done they had to work with the people for the movie and put it all together so it would be the great film.
Their analysis for was probably to go through the whole movie and to check whether it looks real by showing it to people who haven't seen it before and know what they were doing. Once the testing audience approves that it looks real, then can they show it to the public.
Posted by Jen at 10:55:00 AM
Sunday, March 01, 2009
The First Crusade
To me, the First Crusade was just a death trap from the very beginning. It was all about trickery and death. More people died in just the journey rather than the fights along the way.
The First Crusade's point was to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the Middle East because the place where all events of Jesus Christ was happening, happened in Jerusalem. Then the religion was overtook by the Muslims. In my opinion, I think that they should not have started a crusade for it was useless and because different religions will spread whether you like it or not. Then again, it was the Holy Land, where Jesus Christ was supposedly crucified on a hill but cultures and religion will always be shared and changed. People have their own opinion of who to worship.
Spreading Catholicism became pointless not only through the journey but already from the start! Most of the people that joined the crusade only hopped on the wagon for riches and a free card to heaven. Tricking the people into a trap that will lead more that half of the people to their ends. Is killing another and sinning truly the way to walk with God? Did the Bible tell them to go on a long journey and end lives so you could reclaim religious land? Why did people take the risk of life of death with riches and wealth in the Middle Ages just because the opportunity popped up? When what they wanted was the be more Christian they became what they were trying to fight from the very beginning.
The Pope and the Emperor of Byzantine were the minds that brought death to thousands so why weren't there people to oppose them. Was everybody so convinced by the Pope and the Emperor that they were completed blinded to what they have been believing in for so many years?
Posted by Jen at 11:21:00 PM
Labels: culture, deaths, Humanities, Medieval, Middle Ages
Interesting stuff about "Blood Red Horse
Blood Red Horse is a story was William's road to becoming a knight. He has just gotten a horse that is not necessarily the giant war horse he was expected to get. Hosanna is the blood red horse that seems to fit William's personality. Both of them seem to get on really well.
I find the character Gavin, the older brother of William, a nice feature in the story. In every story whether in movies or novels, their has be that annoying character that brings out the worse in everybody. In this case, it is Gavin. He rode Hosanna to death just for a hunting trip and wasn't even concerned for something that isn't his. I'm amazed that Ellie even like Gavin before for his selfishness and rude attitude. I enjoyed the part when Ellie told Gavin off for almost killing William's horse.
Posted by Jen at 11:03:00 PM
Labels: Blood Red Horse, Humanities, Medieval, Middle Ages