Thursday, November 27, 2008

Spoken Word Poetry Reflections

Spoken word poetry is a story poem about what people really feel strongly about and they say it out. The "Hawaii" video was about two girls talking about how racism is bad. This was their interest and they made it into a poem form so more people will listen to it and understand it better. The "Superman" video was about a guy who told a story through poetry form about his encounter with Superman and the Justice League. He told Superman about how his super power was with his words because he thought that words are very important and are very powerful.
Spoken word poetry is kind of like a persons opinion on something.

Spoken word poetry elements are very similar to normal poetry but they are stronger because it's spoken and you can here the emotion in the voice of the speaker.
The voice may be the most important element in spoken word poetry because it shows the emotion and shows a little bit of the identity by their voice and how they tell they poem. Subject is also another important element in poetry because there has to been a very strong reason why we do spoken word poetry because we want to write a poem, but have it spoken so it's stronger, therefore the poem's subject must be very strong and have a great impact on the audience.
The subject of a spoken word poem can be anything, mostly a speech/story to tell the audience about what they are interested in or what they are concerned about. They use poetry to spread their idea because they want to show their identity; which could be a concern for global crisis, or their identity.
The imagery for a spoken word poem has a great impact on the audience. When reading a normal poem, the reader has to pay attention to reading the words and also at the same time imagine the images in his/her mind. For spoken word poetry, you don't have to worry about reading the words because it's already being read out for you. So, imagery in a spoken word poem must really be descriptive and with the voice of the speaker, you can really imagine the scenes in your mind more clearly.

Anyone could do Spoken word poetry. They must have a cause of why they are doing in, an interest or concern they have. If they have in opinion on a concern or global crisis or the current events, they show it through spoken word. Forming it into poem form just makes it easier for the audience to take in information.

I personally enjoy listening to the "Superman" spoken word poem because I agree with the guys idea that words are very important and have a great impact if used correctly. The guy says to Superman that he can help save the world by words and poems, and I absolutely agree. Anyone can make a difference without violence --but through words. Spoken word poetry is a great way to have your say.