Sunday, May 04, 2008

Three Lessons from High School: Student 2.0

I listened to the video of "Three Lessons from High School 2.0" and i think that Anthony Chivetta, the student who posted that blog post has many good advice, for someone in another type of school. Those kind of advice would have worked, depending on the school's situation and the type of relationships that people have. His school must have been a large school where you don't know the names of a person a year older than you. That is the school where no one really cares about what you do. His advice would have worked if you found some logic in it. Like what would happen in reality if everyone could track your mistakes and hold you to it forever. Those advice, in my opinion, expired about 10 years ago when everyone was best friends with each other in a school and there were no complications along the way.

I think that its better that the author, Anthony Chivetta used video as a post but he could have made it a little more interesting. Halfway I started to get bored and i almost fell asleep. An advice would have been to make the video presentation a little more interesting and something that would have caught the attention of normal students that may have other problems.