Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Aphorism Blog #5

Be hopeful but not foolishly hopeful.

When put under pressure or when under stress, humans tend to find a little spark of hope to look forward too. This is important in life because then what is there to live for or to push on for? This aphorism tells us that we have to look for that little hope in times of pain or sadness, but we cannot be hopeful for something you know deep down inside will never happen.
Why should anyone hope for something when you know it's never going to happen? Why should you waste your time on someone that you know will only disappoint you. That's being foolishly hopeful. Sometimes its just simple and easier to just give up when you know something won't happen (or will happen) or when you're waiting for someone you know just won't show up. When you know you shouldn't fall for someone who will never fall for you. That's when you should just give up because you don't want to waste your time and energy into something that has a lower chance of happening than global warming stopping.