Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Pearl Blog #1

1. How would you change if you had a lot of money? Would your personality be different?
I think I would. Of course I would spoil myself a little bit more due to the significant amount of money increase and my view of life would change but I don't want the people to treat me different or vice versa. I have no right to lower my respect of others just because I'm rich. But even though I know that is the wrong thing to do, I think I have no control against my self and would become a little bit snotty and my expectations will be raised, even though I will try not to.

2. Would you ever take a risk to reach a goal?
Knowing me, I don't really think too much before I take action. I guess that it depends on how big the goal is and what risks I have to take. If the risk is only self-inflicting, I would take it. But if it involved hurting others, I wouldn't take it. As said above it all depends on the goal and the risk I have to take to reach it.

3. Would you ever hurt member of your family just so you could be accepted by friends?
I really don't want to but I know that I always hurt my friends and family even if I don't realize it. If wanting to be accepting by my peers meant hurting my family and one's I love, then it's not worth it. If it meant protecting the ones I love in danger, I would take the risk but if it was only for my worth, it's not that important.